Inspire.Create. Stamping Challenges #170|Sketch Challenge

Hello and welcome to Inspire.Create Stamping Challenge #160. I am Karen Farquhar from Australia. This week we have my favourite challenge a Sketch Challenge. These are my favourite Challenges because the design work has been done for you and I love to see how other card makers interpret the sketch.

I have used Stampin' Up!'s Attention Shoppers Bundle today and teamed it with Shy Shamrock paper from  the 2024-2026 In Colour Designer Series Paper Collection.  

And I don't think a shopping trolley would be complete without a shopping bag inside. My grandchildren have reached teenage+ age and always appreciate a little money so they can choose their own gift.
This cute little pop-up bag is designed to hold a gift card or some cash for the recipient. 

Instructions are as follows:
Prepare your card base as you normally would for the size you wish to make. cover inside panel with basic white cardstock.

Paper/Scoring Measurements:  

DSP for pop-up gift bag: cut paper at 4" x 9 1⁄2"

  •  along 4" side, score at 1" and 3 1⁄2"
  •  along 9 1⁄2" side, score at 1⁄2", 1”, 4 1⁄2", 5", 5 1⁄2", 9"

To assemble: 

  •  Score your DSP for gift bag – burnish well with bone folder. The two sections of the gift bag scored a 1⁄2" apart will fold in like a real gift bag.
  • I have used a retired hole punch to cut my bag handle holes below the 1" score line – to make it easier, you can fold bag over to punch both sides at once. 
  • I then strung a 5" piece of ribbon through each side, secured the ribbon ends with tape, then used Tear & Tape to adhere the top 1" flap down and over that so the ribbon ends cannot be seen.
  • Next, I used Tear & Tape to secure the 1⁄2" side panel over the opposite side 1⁄2" side.
  • To adhere my gift bag into my card – I adhered Tear & Tape along the bottom 1⁄2" tabs of my gift bag. Matching paper edges with card centre crease I carefully closed card. When opened the gift bag popped right up.
  • I then decorated the front and inside panels with the DSP and my stamped images.
I hope you like my card today and I have inspired you to enter the challenge. You can see more inspiration over on the 
 We really would love to see your creations. Note we need your projects submitted here by 10am. Sunday  (UK time). Below are the products I have used for today's project.

 If you are an Australian resident and wish to purchase the products I have used for todays project just click on the product thumbnail to take you to my Online Store. To make your way to our beautiful newAnnual Catalogue either click on an image below or the catalogue image to the right of this page.

Product List 

Call Me Clover Stampin' Pad
Call Me Clover Stampin' Pad

your photo name

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